Sunday 2 December 2007

2 more exams to freedom. I'm gonna pretend I did very well for all of them and live in a shell for a month before the results come out and break my heart. Marketing is crazy, its essentially similar to bringing a textbook into the exam hall, except everything in the textbook has to be imprinted in your head.

Had a super humongous icecream indulgence yesterday with mat and shen. Talk about eating less, the original plan was a salad. But the plan flew out of the window, with cafe cartel's new menu. The food looked absolutely fabulous.

I went to count shoes in the morning at the standard chartered marathon. The only good thing that comes out of it is FOC is richer by my 50 bucks and the vitamin D, I have so desperately yearned for a month.

Got myself a haircut today. Ok, breaks over. Time to study. -_-"

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