Wednesday, 11 June 2008
I met up with many friends, had several expensive dinners and suffered from the lack of fibre in my diet.
I went to mambo twice, cooked fabulous meals twice/thrice. I went to the zoo too, got me excited for the first hour, and then it all went downhill. Animals just ain't that interesting, though the giraffes, big cats, loads of monkeys, goats, sea creatures and reptiles still caught my attention.
i proposed. with flowers, more flowers, and a Big CHART? lol, if thats what u call a large sheet of paper. Happy times.
And i went for FOC camp, which was quite tiring but fun still. I walked the beaches of sentosa like 4 times. From siloso to palawan and back and forth. Its the holidays and the beach was crowded. And a higher quantity provides a greater possibility of quality. i hope somebody doesn't smack me.
I'm done here. till next time. bye.
(keeping my post short, due to requests from certain groups of people who find reading my mega long once in a blue moon post a chore)
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
I'm absolutely stupified by how long a vehicle can be stuck in a jam. With the unfortunate incident of the escape of a certain fellow, checks at the causeway checkpoint became far too stringent for anybody's liking. Nonetheless, the bus driver's patience was quite amazing. His irritatingly impressive english(he knew only 3 words, Toilet, Checkpoint, Passport), seeking to practice them whenever he had an opportunity to do so was not. Everytime we came to a tolilet stop. He would go "toilet, toilet toilet! Toilet Toilet Toilet!" So back to the infuriating jam that only served to increase a 12 hour bus journey to a 15 hour one, the five of us played asshole dai dee to pass the time. This game also became the game of the vacation given the lack of recreational facilities on an island. An idyllic lifestyle may be appealing, but too much of a good thing is just bad. The bus ride after the checkpoint was fitful, but travelling at night did help beat the time as sleep came much easier.
We arrived at the island around noon. A refreshing drink of banana juice. A greeting by the friendly people at the resort definitely help to make us feel welcomed. My first observation was that the island's tourist population were largely caucasians, and they really did love the Sun. The beach were sprawled with them and it was quite a "sight". Meanwhile, as we waited to check into our rooms, Mark the diveshop guy came to talk to us about our dive. He was from London and had blond dreadlocks(interesting hair). They had a dive to a shipwreck at 1pm, but it was too rushed. So we had to settle with a dive at 3pm instead. We were starving by then, so we had our lunch at bubu resort restaurant. The prices were definitely similar to Singapore. The food and the presentation of it was excellent though, so it was definitely you pay for what you get.
3pm came and we went for our dive. The vis wasn't too good that day and we didn't really see very much. Julio became my dive buddy because I was the odd one out in the group, casey, seb, ivan and kenneth never forgetting to remind me. (But thanks to me we got the family room at the resort which was huge. Something like a suite. You're welcome guys.) Julio's from argentina and really loved nudibranch varicosas(little sea slugs) that were really colourful. He was our divemaster for the next 3 dives, and kept pointing out those nudibranches. The signal for it underwater's really cool too, reminiscent of what rockers like to do pointing our their index and pinky except that you had to wriggle it to signify a nudibranch. Moving on from the sea slugs. We had to consume our dinner at the bubu restaurant again a thunderstorm brewed in the horizon. It was our intention to go to the other island resort to have our dinner, but the rain detered us and we had an expensive dinner again.
The following day we were scheduled to have 3 dives. Reminder of my sad ndu life. Fortunately the water's much better and the view underwater nothing short of breathtaking. There's a reason why I'm paid to dive in NDU and why I have to pay to dive here. Our second dive of the day was the best. It was around a pinnacle that stood out 1m above the sea. Known as the Temple of the Sea, or Tokong Lauit, the schools of fishes were very pretty. Each school had like 300 to 400 fishes. An amazing sight, I tried to touch them, but they kept darting away. We saw pufferfish, bamboo sharks and a mirade of other sea animals and corals. A leaking mask was a perennial irritation but the dive was still great nonetheless. Julio was again at his best, the argentinean divemaster spotting nudibranches at an impressive rate.
We had our dinner that day, at the other island resort. The prices were 3 times lower compared to the bubu island restaurant, they also took 3 times as long. I waited for 1 hour for my drink and 2 hours for my dinner. The restaurant was packed though, so my dinner took quite a while to be prepared. The beef nachos I had was quite good, but i've come to a conclusion that a steak is definitely much better compared to minced beef. Football was next up on the agenda, with most of the diners glued to the screen. We watched man u win the premiership, much to my dismay. They did deserve it though given the brand of attacking football they had played this season and with a certain winger called ronaldo scoring 31 goals in the league.
12 beers were shared among the 5 of us and marvin, one of the resort workers from KL who was doing an internship with the bubu island resort. Haha, I wished I had this sorta internship though I don't think i can survive without technology for longer then a week. We played drinking games and had a racket of a time. At 18, Marvin didn't really hold his beer well, he got quite tipsy and casey and seb had to help him back to his room.
Monday was a horrible day. It was nua all the way because we were forced to checkout at 10am in the morning. Our bus back to Singapore was scheduled at 9pm that night. We passed the time playing more dai dee and talking nonsense. We saw goats, roosters and buffalos walking around the little town in trenggaunu. We also saw farmlands on our way back. There was even a goat family at the bus terminal. The little calves following their mother, that was quite a sight. Well, I'm done with this post. I doubt you wanna hear about my ride home. That took another 12 hours.
FOC and Rag's coming soon. Gonna be really busy then. For now, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy my long awaited holiday. Tata.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Maybe, but definitely the remnants of what i ate.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
do u know what happens when u try to stay motionless on a hard bed for an hour?
you get pins and needles on ur butt.
what have i gotten myself into, sleep study my ass, more like motion study, except they want a stationary subject...
Attended an investment banking talk organised by the NUS economics society. Its ironic how, the speaker said that an econs undergraduate's chances of getting an IB career is remarkably low.
i've given my all and am empty inside
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
What a Wonderful World
I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.
The colors of a pretty the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....
sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin......i love you.
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
Theyll learn much more.....than Ill never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
The colors of a pretty the sky
Are there on the faces.....of people ..going by
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin...*spoken*(I
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
(you know their gonna learn A whole lot more than Ill never know)
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
im just glad somebody saved me from the misery of watching that match. =)
Been a little busy with sch activities recently, i doubt im gonna be blogging much, I'll be back as soon as I'm bored. Right now, i'm just tired. I had a really great week though. Lots of surprises! i have many stories to tell, but not right now. Hopefully when I'm finally bored, i'll be able to recall and tell them. The bed beckons. Good night.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Friday, 25 January 2008
Well the only good I got out of this is that I now know where to board the MRT at the airport. Did you know the MRT is called the "CITY Train" at the airport. I bet you didn't. Terminals 2 and 3 are directly connected to it. However, the intellectual me has a lousy gut. I went with my guts cos i didn't know which terminal was linked to the train station. In the end, I had to take a sky train back to terminal 2. A journey home that was supposed to last an hour, doubled. At least I made full use of my mag.
I went to bling on saturday. It was kinda dull, so we kinda acted out a play.
The purse chronicles: staring mat, eugene and shen
The Stars of the show
The purse is MINE!
Mat tries to steal it from me using physical violence. Sobs..
we tussled for it with all our might
shen managed to nudge mat away and take the bling purse from us
She then tries to hit me with it
Mat was so sad she couldn't get the purse, she decided to drown her sorrows
I decided that fruits were a much healthier alternative and i got happy. look at my wonderful smile
Fruits can't satisfy the carnivore in me so i decided to eat my tie as well
ok here's the rest of the pple who were there...

Liverpudlians! My fellow reds. You'll never walk alone. =)
The Men
3 guys and an extra

all the other nonsense we got up to
Ok... thats all for now. I realised i haven't blogged any posts with photos for a very long time. Till then. Tata.
Waiting always...
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Everybody's getting sick recently. Stomach flu, flu, sore throat, puffy face and what have you. If you're one of the afflicted ones, get well soon. If you're fine, stay that way.
I cooked up an awesome brew of porridge. I might be bias. But i'm sure my sis will agree with me. Yes? haha. You better read this and give me a positive comment.
Ruffles are meant to be eaten with sour cream. Its the very reason why they have a bowl of sour cream on the packaging. When the chips are dipped with the cream, it creates an awesome combination of texture and taste. The sour cream adds volume(and of course sourness) to a chip that is otherwise simply salty and ridged.
NUS lecturers are a horrid bunch. They keep changing our textbooks. So now all our money is being thrown down the drain. I hate them. Its like all these assets are being frozen of. Their value depreciating, while inflation is ongoing.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
How Six Songs Collide
The mashup contains samples from:
1. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
2. Howie Day - Collide
3. Five For Fighting - Superman
4. Angela Ammons - Always Getting Over You
5. Boyzone - All That I Need
6. 3 Doors Down - Here Without You
I'm absolutely amazed how the artiste managed to harmonise the six songs together to form this fantastic chemistry of melody.
Monday, 14 January 2008
Liverpool drew their forth consecutive premier league match. Boy are we sliding down the table. You'll never walk alone. Liv a pu forever.
Need to turn in early today. so good night. I'll write more next time. Finishing the kite runner. Its quite an awesome book. I hate packing rooms. I wished somebody would just do me a favour.
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
We went to dex's house to play mahjong for a bit cos we were kinda full after all that food. I ought to quit playing mahjong, my record hasn't been the best recently. Next was the long ride to geylang, we finally settled ourselves at yung he you tiao dou hwa stall. Had quite a meal. Visited brent's house lobby next. Its kinda like a hotel, except there wasn't aircon. Cable tv entertainment was provided, but exhaustion crept in and most of us went to sleep.
Chairs are definitely not meant for sleeping, no matter how u arrange them. I tried to put 3 chairs tgt and squeezed myself thru the handles for a flat sleeping position, but there was no headrest, and it gave me a woozy head when i sat up. Only zj managed to slp, but then he sleeps everywhere.
There was to be no sunrise at east coast park, the whole sky just became brighter at 7. It was a disappointing moment, the clouds being the culprits of the day. We nuaed for 2 long hours, before the bicycle shop opened. We didn't have breakfast, but the mosquitoes had a great one. They had a buffet of blood. I was the only insect attractor among my friends, and i got bitten like 6 times, killing 4 along the way.
Dex being a good boss got the car to send us to the mrt. The ride back was superdupalupa tiring, mat, zj and me were stoning while standing for half the trip, we only managed to find support for our tired butts at tanjong pagar. Trains really suck, i want my own car.
Bidded for changing landscape when I got home, threw in almost all my points. I hope its a wise decision that I wouldn't end up regretting. I'm halfway thru the last week of the hols for sem 1. The holidays have really flew past in a blink, I still haven't packed my room despite wanting to do so since the 26th of dec. Someone give me a kick up my ass to get me moving.
IVLE now has all my core modules up - more printing of notes, announcements and emails. I am dreading the start of school.
IVLE = EVIL, go figure.
How do i move forward?