Sundays are supposed to be sunny(why call it SUNday then?), not overcast with dark clouds and pouring with rain.
After doing what was necessary, I sent my lazy ass back to bed with aplomb since the weather was really fine for sleeping. Just when i was getting into lala land, the air started smelling funny and white smoke started engulfing my HDB block. Fire on a rainy day would have been quite an irony, but thankfully it was just the friendly National Environment Agency doing Mosquito Fumigation. Lots of white fumes = Weird smell, dead mosquitoes and a pissed off me.
Played soccer in the rain, it was a comedy with everyone falling on their asses because of all the pools of water on the court.
I finally got the Crocs Slip-On Sandals(Sorbek), I've had my eyes on since last month. They're bouncy, comfy, airy and Made in China. You hereby have my permission to call me an irrational consumer whose perception of value is totally subjugated to peer and media influence.
I Love My Crocs

I got home and found Ba Zhangs hanging in my kitchen. My grandma and my parents spent the whole weekend preparing the ingredients, cooking them and finally wrapping them up. So that it can end up in my tummy. Wahaha. Ok that sounds wrong. But im really grateful for the food.

Ok, im off to satisfy my hunger, Tata!
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