The past four months at GYC Financial Advisory has been a wonderful experience of how dull and exciting working life can be. I can still remember what a bundle of nervous energy I was when i stepped into that elevator and went to the 44th floor of OUB Centre for my first day at work. I was shown to my desk promptly upon meeting my boss for the 2nd time. The first was the interview, and to be honest, I wasn't too impressed by the job requirements. Cold calls were really not my cup of tea(like who likes that), but the pay, its all about the pay. That was convincing enough. So from then on I became a Personal Assistant. Well, my NDU mates call me Toy Boy Chong starting from the day I told them I had a Lady boss. Haha.
It was relatively mundane for the first couple of weeks. I had to clear like stacks and stacks of backlog(scanning etc). Basically i was the only temp around, and being like the youngest at 20. There was just an age gap for me to actually start any kind of decent conversation with anyone. Discussing about lunch isn't really the most engaging and lively topic of conversation one can have for long.
I've got to admit, I don't have green fingers and I tend to kill plants under my jurisdiction of care. I'm supposed to water my boss's plant and ensure it doesn't wither and die a horrendous death. I failed miserably. The picture says it all. LOL.

Following lots of calls to both potential and current clients, rebalancing, insurance summaries and investment profiles. I've grown into my job like a fish to water. Its actually a relatively relaxing job coupled with stressful peaks. My boss comes to work only in the afternoons. Sometimes not at all. Thats when I surf the web, read articles, watch videos on youtube and msn like there's no tmr. If you think thats fun, try doing that for days in a row. The birth of this blog was no spur of the moment. It was inspired by the boredom of having nothing to do when my boss went to Japan for holiday. Then there's the spikes of work where I end up going home at 7pm. Bossie tends to have a very irritating habit of coming into the office at 5pm and throwing me a stack of work requesting completion before I leave the office. I can't complain since I haven't exactly been doing anything for the whole day.
By now, you must be convinced I'm actually quite stupid to be quitting this job. Everyone's entitled to their own ideals. I'm just going to satisfy myself with the little things in life for the month of July. Waking any time I want, playing and getting my state of mind healthy and fresh in preparation for school again. The last is exciting, except I'm not really looking forward to exams again. Well the first week of July is going to be totally sports, since I'm attending Sports camp. Wahaha. I'm so hyper, I can't wait for it to start. The bad thing about office jobs is how the food intake seems to increase exponentially, make your metabolism go limbo and encourage the fats to nestle happily in those nooks and crannies they're not supposed to be in.
I'm gonna miss the friends I made there. Hui Wen, Naz, Chee Han, Selina, Cindy, My Boss. Haha, Take care you all.
Had to work till 10pm today on my last day. Cos there was an investment seminar going on. The food there was excellent and I literally pigged out there. Bothered by a great sense of guilt for all the food i had. I did a crazy thing and went for a run at 1130pm. It was actually quite refreshing, considering that it just rained and the weather was really cooling.
Alright enough of my crap. Gonna go sleep. But before I do that. Can somebody tell me what happens when An Irresistable Force meets an Immovable Object?
1 comment:
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).
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