Monday, 31 December 2007
Sunday, 30 December 2007
I've discovered a penchant for sleeping at chalets. Especially the beds at the NSRCC, I've been there twice in recent weeks and I spent an enormously large proportion of my time there lazing in them. It isn't the boredom, its the ambience of the room and the extremely plushy bed.
Seb's birthday celebration wasn't much. The usual guys went to stay over and we had a heck of a time doing nonsense stuff. We crapped, yelled, and howlered our presence. The only notable thing i remembered from yesterday night was that i ended up in sebby's car boot when we went for dinner. It wasn't a favourable spot but for the greater good, I sacrificed myself. Anyway, my ability to fall asleep in unfavourable conditions, enabled me to enjoy the ride. The humps gave me jolts that i didn't really appreciate though.
Caught up with my jc classmates 2 days ago. We had dinner at ding tai fung. I received a bag, and haha, a pair of branded underwear. Expensive underpants. I'll probably have to let the whole world know I'm wearing it when I do. Otherwise whats the point?
The holidays are flying by really quick.
Seb's birthday celebration wasn't much. The usual guys went to stay over and we had a heck of a time doing nonsense stuff. We crapped, yelled, and howlered our presence. The only notable thing i remembered from yesterday night was that i ended up in sebby's car boot when we went for dinner. It wasn't a favourable spot but for the greater good, I sacrificed myself. Anyway, my ability to fall asleep in unfavourable conditions, enabled me to enjoy the ride. The humps gave me jolts that i didn't really appreciate though.
Caught up with my jc classmates 2 days ago. We had dinner at ding tai fung. I received a bag, and haha, a pair of branded underwear. Expensive underpants. I'll probably have to let the whole world know I'm wearing it when I do. Otherwise whats the point?
The holidays are flying by really quick.
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
I'm caught between 2 minds whether to feel satisfied and relieved with my results or to be pissed with myself for the amount of careless mistakes that I shouldn't have made. 4.1 should be simply satisfactory considering the fact that I knew most of my stuff. Especially MS, they should seriously consider letting us SU core subjects. B-. Now that drags everything down.
Oh well ur only as good as the next step you can take. So I'll just have to look forward instead back, can't retrace my steps even if I want to.
Investing is an art I am keen to get into, but it seems that with the market being so weak right now, I should just concentrate on building my knowledge about that, and hopefully when the time's right, I can finally start and build a habit of making my money grow instead of simply dissipating into the wilderness of the greater economy.
Time for bed...
Oh well ur only as good as the next step you can take. So I'll just have to look forward instead back, can't retrace my steps even if I want to.
Investing is an art I am keen to get into, but it seems that with the market being so weak right now, I should just concentrate on building my knowledge about that, and hopefully when the time's right, I can finally start and build a habit of making my money grow instead of simply dissipating into the wilderness of the greater economy.
Time for bed...
Friday, 21 December 2007
caught between rocks and hard places
should I or shouldn't I?
I watched the simpsons movie and there was this really funny scene with homer caught on a bulldozer ball and swinging between a rock and a diner called " a hard place".
I watched the simpsons movie and there was this really funny scene with homer caught on a bulldozer ball and swinging between a rock and a diner called " a hard place".
Friday, 14 December 2007
Happy Holidays
The holidays has been a crazy, tiring and nonetheless fun affair. I watched enchanted with shen on monday. That was after travelling all the way to the ICA to make myself a new passport (i had a retarded incident regarding that too but i'll leave that for later.) Enchanted was hilarious, and the ending's a little different from your typical fairytale although it was still a happy one. Anyway, shen must be enjoying herself in hk, so I've one less person to hang out with this week.
Tuesday, i attended MCR's concert. Thankfully Mr Tsin with his huge network of friends managed to get a queue jumper and we could stand near the stage and be nearer the band. I didn't really enjoy the concert considering all that squashing I was subjected to and Mr Tsin who was shaking his head and subjecting me to some hair in my mouth. It was a kiddy concert seriously, and I felt old being there, lots of secondary school kids with their ah beng tshirts and punk attitude. The band wasn't that bad, but in my opinion gerard grey's just too fat and gay in his tight shirt and jeans which were threatening to split any moment. Regrets: 95 bucks which i can never get back, getting squashed by children half my age but twice my size. Glad: The songs weren't too bad.
LIVERPOOL won MARSEILLE 4-0. Absolutely wonderful performance from the whole team, and Liverpool once again defied the odds to qualify for the next round. Simply fantabulous, the very reason why i love them to bits.
Wednesday, was a blissful day, I filled myself with so much dim sum during an afternoon buffet, it became something like 3 meals at a go. Hao gave us a birthday treat at YUM CHA. Ok, special thanks to him since its really unlike him to give treats. The buffet wasn't cheap too at 20++. The shirmps and scallops were on free flow, and our typical kiasu spirit was evident from the start, we devoured the baskets of dimsum with such fervour, we weren't really talking for the first ten mins. Oh it was 5 of us, sy, dave, hao, keith and me. We could hardly walk after the buffet, but we decided to make a trip down to clark quay and get a reservation for the big match on sun. Liverpool vs Manchester Utd. Its gonna be a nailbiting clash that I'll have to sit through. A match, which I can't bear to watch and yet need to.
Thursday was the first sunny day of the week, I got Mat to wake up at very very early hour to tan ourselves. The warren golf and country club is a really peaceful and quiet resort to relax for a day. The sun was shining and I think we overdid it a little with all that Sun. So now we're as red as roasted pigs. Its Christmas though, so nothing wrong with being a little radiant and festive to raise the spirits. haha. Had a dinner with the NDU guys in the evening at NYDC, first time I ever went to NYDC in the 21 years of my life, was great catching up, most of them are at NTU so I hardly get to chat with them. Caught hitman which was an action packed movie, and i really can't be bothered to describe it. 5 of us hung around till late. We went bowling at ECP, I struck a turkey haha, unbelievable and got 150 points! Then it was supper before tsin and me went to seb's house and had a boy's night out, slumber party style. That sounds gay, ok we just played x box and some mahjong and texas hold em, got too tired and fell asleep in seb's bed, which was humongous. Cos the 3 of us managed to sleep in it, and when tsin is one of them you can just imagine how big it is. His blanket was huge too. How can someone so small have such a large bed, like my bed is 1/3 the size of his.
Friday, I wanted to go to ICA to collect my passport. To my dismay, I went into the building got myself a queue number and sat there for 20 mins, then I realised I forgot to bring my old singapore passport. I was so fucking pissed with myself, i wanted to be mad! Oh well i didn't really have any choice but to make my way home. Slept away 3 hours, before I went to zouk for a ad hoc job. The pay was good at 10 bucks an hour. I didn't do much for the first 2 hours except to move some stuff. My job was to be a casino banker at dice. you know like "big or small". I was yelling throughout the hour I was working, and its quite amazing how people can get so excited over gambling. Some guy managed to showhand his way to an amazing 200 chips from a start of 5. I wonder what kinda luck he had on his side. The boss for the event management company didn't want to pay us ot. But asked us to have food and drinks on the house. So gee, wei lun and me had a crazy time eating non-stop and drinking alcohol and coke. It was worth it in the end. In fact, I also got a chop on my hand for zouk so technically, i have free entry now. But clubbing's not fun alone so I'm back home typing this entry.
Ok, thats all for this week need to spend more time with my bed. I miss you.
Tuesday, i attended MCR's concert. Thankfully Mr Tsin with his huge network of friends managed to get a queue jumper and we could stand near the stage and be nearer the band. I didn't really enjoy the concert considering all that squashing I was subjected to and Mr Tsin who was shaking his head and subjecting me to some hair in my mouth. It was a kiddy concert seriously, and I felt old being there, lots of secondary school kids with their ah beng tshirts and punk attitude. The band wasn't that bad, but in my opinion gerard grey's just too fat and gay in his tight shirt and jeans which were threatening to split any moment. Regrets: 95 bucks which i can never get back, getting squashed by children half my age but twice my size. Glad: The songs weren't too bad.
LIVERPOOL won MARSEILLE 4-0. Absolutely wonderful performance from the whole team, and Liverpool once again defied the odds to qualify for the next round. Simply fantabulous, the very reason why i love them to bits.
Wednesday, was a blissful day, I filled myself with so much dim sum during an afternoon buffet, it became something like 3 meals at a go. Hao gave us a birthday treat at YUM CHA. Ok, special thanks to him since its really unlike him to give treats. The buffet wasn't cheap too at 20++. The shirmps and scallops were on free flow, and our typical kiasu spirit was evident from the start, we devoured the baskets of dimsum with such fervour, we weren't really talking for the first ten mins. Oh it was 5 of us, sy, dave, hao, keith and me. We could hardly walk after the buffet, but we decided to make a trip down to clark quay and get a reservation for the big match on sun. Liverpool vs Manchester Utd. Its gonna be a nailbiting clash that I'll have to sit through. A match, which I can't bear to watch and yet need to.
Thursday was the first sunny day of the week, I got Mat to wake up at very very early hour to tan ourselves. The warren golf and country club is a really peaceful and quiet resort to relax for a day. The sun was shining and I think we overdid it a little with all that Sun. So now we're as red as roasted pigs. Its Christmas though, so nothing wrong with being a little radiant and festive to raise the spirits. haha. Had a dinner with the NDU guys in the evening at NYDC, first time I ever went to NYDC in the 21 years of my life, was great catching up, most of them are at NTU so I hardly get to chat with them. Caught hitman which was an action packed movie, and i really can't be bothered to describe it. 5 of us hung around till late. We went bowling at ECP, I struck a turkey haha, unbelievable and got 150 points! Then it was supper before tsin and me went to seb's house and had a boy's night out, slumber party style. That sounds gay, ok we just played x box and some mahjong and texas hold em, got too tired and fell asleep in seb's bed, which was humongous. Cos the 3 of us managed to sleep in it, and when tsin is one of them you can just imagine how big it is. His blanket was huge too. How can someone so small have such a large bed, like my bed is 1/3 the size of his.
Friday, I wanted to go to ICA to collect my passport. To my dismay, I went into the building got myself a queue number and sat there for 20 mins, then I realised I forgot to bring my old singapore passport. I was so fucking pissed with myself, i wanted to be mad! Oh well i didn't really have any choice but to make my way home. Slept away 3 hours, before I went to zouk for a ad hoc job. The pay was good at 10 bucks an hour. I didn't do much for the first 2 hours except to move some stuff. My job was to be a casino banker at dice. you know like "big or small". I was yelling throughout the hour I was working, and its quite amazing how people can get so excited over gambling. Some guy managed to showhand his way to an amazing 200 chips from a start of 5. I wonder what kinda luck he had on his side. The boss for the event management company didn't want to pay us ot. But asked us to have food and drinks on the house. So gee, wei lun and me had a crazy time eating non-stop and drinking alcohol and coke. It was worth it in the end. In fact, I also got a chop on my hand for zouk so technically, i have free entry now. But clubbing's not fun alone so I'm back home typing this entry.
Ok, thats all for this week need to spend more time with my bed. I miss you.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
I'm Old.
I celebrated my 21st birthday yesterday. It was an exhilarating affair, coupled with surprises, lots of food, and a trip around the island with a barney balloon.
Tsin called me on the morning of 7th dec, and wished me happy belated birthday. Haha, it was a hilarious situation, and he started cooking up some nonsensical story about wanting to be the first to wish me happy birthday. Anyway, its the thought that counts, so I'm grateful for such a fine friend.
On the evening of the eve of my birthday. I met up with some of my sec 4 classmates and had a nice reunion with them at sakae sushi, wheellock. Kian hao, siang yuan, keith, donovan and yee chwan, thanks for the simple celebration. Hao, next week's your turn to treat. After our short dinner, I went to meet seb, tsin and Ivan at marina square, we walked around before we went for a drink at Chijmes. They charged us 75 bucks for 4 glasses of beer, absolute madness if you ask me. At first the waitress was saying they had 20% off for all drafts, but I think it was more like a 20% markup in the end. Maybe they pegged beer prices to petrol prices. Its crazy how oil prices have been rising recently, 60 bucks used to be sufficient for a full tank. Now its up to 80 bucks. Anyway, I decided I didn't want to miss the train home, taking a taxi home alone at midnight wouldn't be a very prudent choice for my small pockets. So we parted ways around 1145 and I spent the first ten minutes of my birthday on an mrt train.
Got home and felt hungry, so I met Shen and Clarence for supper at lao pa sat. I had my first birthday "cake" from them. It was 2 ben and jerry's ice cream. haah, very innovative. Clarence is going to China for his super long work attachment. I think I would get homesick in a week. I sent shen home and somehow missed the exit at tampines and ended up at changi airport again. Pretty retarded, considering it wasn't the first, second or third time this happened. We went for a walk around terminal 3, and it looked very modern and stylish. I think our airport terminals 1 and 2 are due for a makeover. If you happen to notice and ponder about the designs, they really look old and might very well be the one of the major reasons why we lost our status as the number 1. Our adventure at T3 lasted approximately an hour. Then it was time to go home. I realised I've had a lot less sleep since the exams ended. Roughly 3 hours for the past 4 days.
I got home around 5am. Slept in till 9am. Then my aunty came with this marvelous tasting chocolate cheese cake that she baked. So i dragged myself out of bed and wore a long sleeve shirt(it was with boxers though) just to take photos. Haha, my mum insisted on it, so I had no choice to but to oblige, everyone looked sleepy in the pictures though especially my sister, she needs like 12 hours of sleep everyday, I dun even know how one can sleep that much. Haha. But she's been a joy to me for the last 17 years, we chased each other around for hours when we were young, had our fairshare of quarrels, but the good thing is as siblings, the animousity and anger is forgotten as soon as its started.
My parents joked that they booked the entire boon lay raja restaurant for my birthday lunch. We got there very very early at 11am, so we were the only customers for the whole 2 hours we were there. We enjoyed excellent service, and the food was good, though I couldn't eat much since it was really early in the morning.
Ok, nows the exciting part of my whole birthday, I got home around 3pm and took a nap till 5pm. In between, I got calls from Jian Wei, pretending that he's going to be late for our dinner. So I didn't suspect anything. Mat and Shen, got Karmen to ask for my home add for rag, and I gave it(they wanted it to come to my house). I still didn't suspect anything. So at around 5:15pm, these 2 girls started storming into my room with a blueberry cheesecake(which mat baked and taste excellent). I was still bleary eyed cos I just woke up. I was surprised beyond words, i haven't had a birthday surprise in all 21 years of my life. Getting my first on my 21st birthday was definitely a heartfelt moment. Shen made me a very beautiful card, I think she can start a card shop or something. So zhai.
We went vivo for dinner, at first I thought it was going to be a dinner with jian wei, mat and shen. I was in for a surprise again. Haha, Dex, Karmen, Alan, and Zhen jie popped out from nowhere for surprise of the day number 2. I got a barney balloon from jian wei and I had to carry it around vivo city with the entire population looking at the crazy guy with a barney balloon on his hand. How embarassing, but it was quite funny to see small kids pointing to my balloon. I had to eat 2 pieces of sushi with a dollop of wasabi, i almost died. Tip of the day from Dexter: breathe in hard when chewing food with wasabi, its kills the spiciness to shoots up ur nose. It actually works, but anyway I was tearing alr, when I downed my 2nd piece.
Bowling at Safra was up next. It was an event organised by bizad club, (Im still carrying my barney balloon and walking around the bowling alley with it) I suck at bowling, haha, kept getting long kangs. Anyway, some smart person decided to tell the emcee jonathan to dedicate the barney song to me and it was blasted on the stereo. I seriously didn't know where to hide my face.... There was bingo at the end, but none of my friends won. After that Mat, Shen and me went to Brew werks to eat this cobb salad that we were talking about for a month since we started mugging together.
We took quite a number of photos together, Shen and Mat were getting a bit hysterical after drinking a bit. Next we went to Mat's house to catch Reading vs Liverpool. We flew there in my car. It was a really disappointing match though since we lost, and I was pissed with the referee half the time and the commentator the other half. Talk about bias. The ref and the commentator must have been reading fans or something. Oh well, as long as we win our next 2 matches, the outlook would be much brighter. Sent shen home, and well thats the end of my birthday adventure. Tiring stuff, but definitely a very memorable one. Thank you everyone!
I woke up this morning and played soccer in the rain. first time i played soccer in a month and it had to bloody rain. The court was slippery and almost like a swimming pool so we ended up sliding and falling over, I felt like a kid once again. I fell on my butt so many times, i think i need an ass massage now.
Tsin called me on the morning of 7th dec, and wished me happy belated birthday. Haha, it was a hilarious situation, and he started cooking up some nonsensical story about wanting to be the first to wish me happy birthday. Anyway, its the thought that counts, so I'm grateful for such a fine friend.
On the evening of the eve of my birthday. I met up with some of my sec 4 classmates and had a nice reunion with them at sakae sushi, wheellock. Kian hao, siang yuan, keith, donovan and yee chwan, thanks for the simple celebration. Hao, next week's your turn to treat. After our short dinner, I went to meet seb, tsin and Ivan at marina square, we walked around before we went for a drink at Chijmes. They charged us 75 bucks for 4 glasses of beer, absolute madness if you ask me. At first the waitress was saying they had 20% off for all drafts, but I think it was more like a 20% markup in the end. Maybe they pegged beer prices to petrol prices. Its crazy how oil prices have been rising recently, 60 bucks used to be sufficient for a full tank. Now its up to 80 bucks. Anyway, I decided I didn't want to miss the train home, taking a taxi home alone at midnight wouldn't be a very prudent choice for my small pockets. So we parted ways around 1145 and I spent the first ten minutes of my birthday on an mrt train.
Got home and felt hungry, so I met Shen and Clarence for supper at lao pa sat. I had my first birthday "cake" from them. It was 2 ben and jerry's ice cream. haah, very innovative. Clarence is going to China for his super long work attachment. I think I would get homesick in a week. I sent shen home and somehow missed the exit at tampines and ended up at changi airport again. Pretty retarded, considering it wasn't the first, second or third time this happened. We went for a walk around terminal 3, and it looked very modern and stylish. I think our airport terminals 1 and 2 are due for a makeover. If you happen to notice and ponder about the designs, they really look old and might very well be the one of the major reasons why we lost our status as the number 1. Our adventure at T3 lasted approximately an hour. Then it was time to go home. I realised I've had a lot less sleep since the exams ended. Roughly 3 hours for the past 4 days.
I got home around 5am. Slept in till 9am. Then my aunty came with this marvelous tasting chocolate cheese cake that she baked. So i dragged myself out of bed and wore a long sleeve shirt(it was with boxers though) just to take photos. Haha, my mum insisted on it, so I had no choice to but to oblige, everyone looked sleepy in the pictures though especially my sister, she needs like 12 hours of sleep everyday, I dun even know how one can sleep that much. Haha. But she's been a joy to me for the last 17 years, we chased each other around for hours when we were young, had our fairshare of quarrels, but the good thing is as siblings, the animousity and anger is forgotten as soon as its started.
My parents joked that they booked the entire boon lay raja restaurant for my birthday lunch. We got there very very early at 11am, so we were the only customers for the whole 2 hours we were there. We enjoyed excellent service, and the food was good, though I couldn't eat much since it was really early in the morning.
Ok, nows the exciting part of my whole birthday, I got home around 3pm and took a nap till 5pm. In between, I got calls from Jian Wei, pretending that he's going to be late for our dinner. So I didn't suspect anything. Mat and Shen, got Karmen to ask for my home add for rag, and I gave it(they wanted it to come to my house). I still didn't suspect anything. So at around 5:15pm, these 2 girls started storming into my room with a blueberry cheesecake(which mat baked and taste excellent). I was still bleary eyed cos I just woke up. I was surprised beyond words, i haven't had a birthday surprise in all 21 years of my life. Getting my first on my 21st birthday was definitely a heartfelt moment. Shen made me a very beautiful card, I think she can start a card shop or something. So zhai.
We went vivo for dinner, at first I thought it was going to be a dinner with jian wei, mat and shen. I was in for a surprise again. Haha, Dex, Karmen, Alan, and Zhen jie popped out from nowhere for surprise of the day number 2. I got a barney balloon from jian wei and I had to carry it around vivo city with the entire population looking at the crazy guy with a barney balloon on his hand. How embarassing, but it was quite funny to see small kids pointing to my balloon. I had to eat 2 pieces of sushi with a dollop of wasabi, i almost died. Tip of the day from Dexter: breathe in hard when chewing food with wasabi, its kills the spiciness to shoots up ur nose. It actually works, but anyway I was tearing alr, when I downed my 2nd piece.
Bowling at Safra was up next. It was an event organised by bizad club, (Im still carrying my barney balloon and walking around the bowling alley with it) I suck at bowling, haha, kept getting long kangs. Anyway, some smart person decided to tell the emcee jonathan to dedicate the barney song to me and it was blasted on the stereo. I seriously didn't know where to hide my face.... There was bingo at the end, but none of my friends won. After that Mat, Shen and me went to Brew werks to eat this cobb salad that we were talking about for a month since we started mugging together.
We took quite a number of photos together, Shen and Mat were getting a bit hysterical after drinking a bit. Next we went to Mat's house to catch Reading vs Liverpool. We flew there in my car. It was a really disappointing match though since we lost, and I was pissed with the referee half the time and the commentator the other half. Talk about bias. The ref and the commentator must have been reading fans or something. Oh well, as long as we win our next 2 matches, the outlook would be much brighter. Sent shen home, and well thats the end of my birthday adventure. Tiring stuff, but definitely a very memorable one. Thank you everyone!
I woke up this morning and played soccer in the rain. first time i played soccer in a month and it had to bloody rain. The court was slippery and almost like a swimming pool so we ended up sliding and falling over, I felt like a kid once again. I fell on my butt so many times, i think i need an ass massage now.
Friday, 7 December 2007
Its time to Party
6th Dec 2007 has been a date I've been looking forward to since the end of oct. Studies have been the single occupant of my mind and life for the past month. Finally, its a well deserved break from school, I didn't put in maximum effort, but nobody's 100% efficient. I'm just glad I made it through in one piece(though i'll probably be shattered on the 26th when the results come out).
Anyway........ Its Time To Party!
Shen came to my house in the afternoon to put her stuff. We cooked spaggetti and came to the conclusion that we were both not very competent cooks, but it was fun. The last time I fried something was way back in July. I've been dependent on my trusty microwave and instant noodles for survival since then, not that I eat home a lot. Mcdonalds must be 500 bucks richer from the revenue they receive from a loyal customer like me. We had cabonera pasta, with minced meat, carrot and mushrooms. It was a delightful, creamy dish and we savoured it while watching ratatouille. Notice the common theme food? Ok, it doesn't end here, we had this awesomely sinful sprite float to go along. Not bad for a meal at home eh.
Our dear mat only woke up at 3pm. 3PM! so time dragged, the rain came, and we finally made our journey to the warren golf and country club for bowling only at 6pm. It was fun. I haven't bowled for a year, and we had this crazy singing thing to go along with the bowling. Dinner didn't live up to my high expectations. Brewerks was originally on the cards, but unfortunately a certain mode of transport wasn't available. So we settled for the convenient but alas not so satisfying dinner.
I discovered the joys of sleeping on the MRT train. thanks to p1 haha.
Ok, I'm done for tonight. The first 12 hours of no mugging has whetted my appetite for the holiday. FOP meetings tomorrow.
Savouring every moment of now, embracing every moment that comes.
Anyway........ Its Time To Party!
Shen came to my house in the afternoon to put her stuff. We cooked spaggetti and came to the conclusion that we were both not very competent cooks, but it was fun. The last time I fried something was way back in July. I've been dependent on my trusty microwave and instant noodles for survival since then, not that I eat home a lot. Mcdonalds must be 500 bucks richer from the revenue they receive from a loyal customer like me. We had cabonera pasta, with minced meat, carrot and mushrooms. It was a delightful, creamy dish and we savoured it while watching ratatouille. Notice the common theme food? Ok, it doesn't end here, we had this awesomely sinful sprite float to go along. Not bad for a meal at home eh.
Our dear mat only woke up at 3pm. 3PM! so time dragged, the rain came, and we finally made our journey to the warren golf and country club for bowling only at 6pm. It was fun. I haven't bowled for a year, and we had this crazy singing thing to go along with the bowling. Dinner didn't live up to my high expectations. Brewerks was originally on the cards, but unfortunately a certain mode of transport wasn't available. So we settled for the convenient but alas not so satisfying dinner.
I discovered the joys of sleeping on the MRT train. thanks to p1 haha.
Ok, I'm done for tonight. The first 12 hours of no mugging has whetted my appetite for the holiday. FOP meetings tomorrow.
Savouring every moment of now, embracing every moment that comes.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
I can't wait no longer
One more fing exam and I'm done with year 1 sem 1. I can't wait.
There's this whole string of activities waiting for me. I can't wait.
One whole Bio text book to read within the next 36 hours. I can't wait.
Soccer over the weekend. I can't wait.
My big Day. I can't wait.
Loads of friends to meet. I can't wait.
Christmas. I can't wait.
Liverpool match. I can't wait.
Don't you think life's wonderful? There's so many things to look forward to. For all of you out there who's exams have ended. Give yourself a pat on the head and enjoy the month ahead.
I CAN'T WAIT! But pls don't let time go by so fast.
Gonna go running now, the next time I'm back. All hell's gonna break loose. You'll Never Walk Alone. Eugene.
There's this whole string of activities waiting for me. I can't wait.
One whole Bio text book to read within the next 36 hours. I can't wait.
Soccer over the weekend. I can't wait.
My big Day. I can't wait.
Loads of friends to meet. I can't wait.
Christmas. I can't wait.
Liverpool match. I can't wait.
Don't you think life's wonderful? There's so many things to look forward to. For all of you out there who's exams have ended. Give yourself a pat on the head and enjoy the month ahead.
I CAN'T WAIT! But pls don't let time go by so fast.
Gonna go running now, the next time I'm back. All hell's gonna break loose. You'll Never Walk Alone. Eugene.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
2 more exams to freedom. I'm gonna pretend I did very well for all of them and live in a shell for a month before the results come out and break my heart. Marketing is crazy, its essentially similar to bringing a textbook into the exam hall, except everything in the textbook has to be imprinted in your head.
Had a super humongous icecream indulgence yesterday with mat and shen. Talk about eating less, the original plan was a salad. But the plan flew out of the window, with cafe cartel's new menu. The food looked absolutely fabulous.
I went to count shoes in the morning at the standard chartered marathon. The only good thing that comes out of it is FOC is richer by my 50 bucks and the vitamin D, I have so desperately yearned for a month.
Got myself a haircut today. Ok, breaks over. Time to study. -_-"
Had a super humongous icecream indulgence yesterday with mat and shen. Talk about eating less, the original plan was a salad. But the plan flew out of the window, with cafe cartel's new menu. The food looked absolutely fabulous.
I went to count shoes in the morning at the standard chartered marathon. The only good thing that comes out of it is FOC is richer by my 50 bucks and the vitamin D, I have so desperately yearned for a month.
Got myself a haircut today. Ok, breaks over. Time to study. -_-"
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Friday, 16 November 2007
A mega Update
Its been a long hiatus since i last wrote down my thoughts. An eventful time filled with ups and downs. The exams are in a week and one semester is gone. How apt, the phrase "time flies." We often reflect on our past, seeking to regret the many opportunities and actions we did not undertake. Reflections are good, but it can not bring gratification, only a timely reminder of ourseles in the past. So lets all cherish the present and approach the future with an open mind. Optimism will always stand one in good stead. Why look at a withering flower when next to it is one that's just about to bloom.
The doctor prescribed me a dose of "break". You see, I've been diagnosed with studyholism. The symptoms are significant, I mean who dreams of himself studying, wakes up, studies and then sleeps only when the sun is right about to rise. I woke up this morning and first thing i did was to rummage through my notes. Deciding on the agenda of the day, "what to study?" Exams are a bane to the human experience. A test of one's ability to absorb the maximum amount of information and to spill it out within a stipulated hour or two. Constant learning is key to knowledge advancement, but without any impetus to do so, that objective is lost in a mirage of dreams. My marketing and general biology modules are excellent examples of how the lack of midterms made me leave them out in the cold. I am as well off now in terms of marketing and biology knowledge as the day I began this semester.
I was at the central library last night. It was a peaceful and motivating experience. Add a coke and Macdonald's and that experience is upgraded to a whole new level. I must be turning nocturnal, or maybe because NUS means "No undergraduates sleep." The library reminded me of a marathon I ran in Dec 2006. The crowd forming an unseen force carrying me along. A momentum that created inertia. The sheer number of people studying at that late hour worked like caffeine. It wasn't till 4am in the morning that yawns started leaving my mouth.
My dad gave me a rollicking on the phone, when he called me at midnight. I left the house at 10pm for school. Our conversation went:
Dad: Where are you?
Me: In school.
Dad: What? Are you crazy? its midnight. Why do you have to go to all the way to school to study? You're crazy.
Me: Its better.
Dad: You're crazy.. Ok bye.
Anyway everythings fine, you can't really blame a person for wanting to study. haha.
I've found myself in a wonderful streak of luck in recent weeks. May it never end. Just today, I won a BLACKBERRY 8320 phone. I've never won a lucky draw since I was primary 3. I still remembered the black box folder i won for participating in the zhi shi hua bao contest. It was a nationwide thing, so imagine my glee to see my name printed in the nice chinese paper booklet. I gave the phone to my dad, so I'm no better off now than before. Luck has a strange way of changing one's mood. A game of chance that requires no effort except for one's engagement.
Been a little out of control with my finances recently, my spending is spiralling upwards. I need to wake up a little earlier and avoid taking taxis so often. I need to eat a little less junk food and drink a lot less coffee. Substituting coffee with coke is not a very healthy solution either. I could do with much lesser clothes. Just the other day, I went to vivo to shop with Mat and Shen. I ended up splurging on a top and a pair of pants that was absolutely unneccesary. The shopping therapy was good though, but therapy's never free.
Bizad night to the movies was fun. I realised I haven't watched a movie at the cinema for ages. Stardust was exceptionally good. Cliche, but still definitely worth the four bucks on a friday evening. Robert de niro was his charismatic self as usual. Comedy at its best, it was also romantic and action packed all bundled into a very long movie.
The lack of football in my life right now is making me turn yellow and sallow. How I've missed the sun. To make matters worst, its international week this weekend, and there's no Liverpool to support. I haven't had a decent game and exercise since 3 weeks ago. Its an awfully long time and the effects are becoming obvious. Like i said, exams are a bane to the human experience.
I got myself a job as a financial director at BIZad FOC 2008. The post sounds big, but I'm a director of me myself alone. So I collect money, spend money, and tabulate the money, zero bureaucracy and of course I'm a trustworthy sod so everyone can have absolutely nothing to worry about. I look forward to the planning and conception of the camp, may it be better than 2007's. Exciting times ahead. Ok, I also got myself a job as structural head for rag. Definitely a rush of blood to the head, but still a project worth looking forward to. Success awaits.
I'm getting a little tired of typing. The stamina to think is waning and i've probably exhausted all the ideas for this post already. I need to thank my mugging family, Shen, Mat and Jian Wei. Haha, you people are the best. The late nights one, Jia li and Klar. My Jc classmate jas and her friend melissa. and Nicholas for calling me for no reason, cutting my one hour nap by half. Haha thanks bud. My sister, for finishing her o levels and reminding me about that fact all the time.
Holidays i hope you come soon, I sure could use the time to catch up with old friends, and give my brain a breather, watch some tv and of course go on a holiday.
Time to leave. Got to study again tmr... and may my good luck continue. I'll be back I promise. Bye blog....
The doctor prescribed me a dose of "break". You see, I've been diagnosed with studyholism. The symptoms are significant, I mean who dreams of himself studying, wakes up, studies and then sleeps only when the sun is right about to rise. I woke up this morning and first thing i did was to rummage through my notes. Deciding on the agenda of the day, "what to study?" Exams are a bane to the human experience. A test of one's ability to absorb the maximum amount of information and to spill it out within a stipulated hour or two. Constant learning is key to knowledge advancement, but without any impetus to do so, that objective is lost in a mirage of dreams. My marketing and general biology modules are excellent examples of how the lack of midterms made me leave them out in the cold. I am as well off now in terms of marketing and biology knowledge as the day I began this semester.
I was at the central library last night. It was a peaceful and motivating experience. Add a coke and Macdonald's and that experience is upgraded to a whole new level. I must be turning nocturnal, or maybe because NUS means "No undergraduates sleep." The library reminded me of a marathon I ran in Dec 2006. The crowd forming an unseen force carrying me along. A momentum that created inertia. The sheer number of people studying at that late hour worked like caffeine. It wasn't till 4am in the morning that yawns started leaving my mouth.
My dad gave me a rollicking on the phone, when he called me at midnight. I left the house at 10pm for school. Our conversation went:
Dad: Where are you?
Me: In school.
Dad: What? Are you crazy? its midnight. Why do you have to go to all the way to school to study? You're crazy.
Me: Its better.
Dad: You're crazy.. Ok bye.
Anyway everythings fine, you can't really blame a person for wanting to study. haha.
I've found myself in a wonderful streak of luck in recent weeks. May it never end. Just today, I won a BLACKBERRY 8320 phone. I've never won a lucky draw since I was primary 3. I still remembered the black box folder i won for participating in the zhi shi hua bao contest. It was a nationwide thing, so imagine my glee to see my name printed in the nice chinese paper booklet. I gave the phone to my dad, so I'm no better off now than before. Luck has a strange way of changing one's mood. A game of chance that requires no effort except for one's engagement.
Been a little out of control with my finances recently, my spending is spiralling upwards. I need to wake up a little earlier and avoid taking taxis so often. I need to eat a little less junk food and drink a lot less coffee. Substituting coffee with coke is not a very healthy solution either. I could do with much lesser clothes. Just the other day, I went to vivo to shop with Mat and Shen. I ended up splurging on a top and a pair of pants that was absolutely unneccesary. The shopping therapy was good though, but therapy's never free.
Bizad night to the movies was fun. I realised I haven't watched a movie at the cinema for ages. Stardust was exceptionally good. Cliche, but still definitely worth the four bucks on a friday evening. Robert de niro was his charismatic self as usual. Comedy at its best, it was also romantic and action packed all bundled into a very long movie.
The lack of football in my life right now is making me turn yellow and sallow. How I've missed the sun. To make matters worst, its international week this weekend, and there's no Liverpool to support. I haven't had a decent game and exercise since 3 weeks ago. Its an awfully long time and the effects are becoming obvious. Like i said, exams are a bane to the human experience.
I got myself a job as a financial director at BIZad FOC 2008. The post sounds big, but I'm a director of me myself alone. So I collect money, spend money, and tabulate the money, zero bureaucracy and of course I'm a trustworthy sod so everyone can have absolutely nothing to worry about. I look forward to the planning and conception of the camp, may it be better than 2007's. Exciting times ahead. Ok, I also got myself a job as structural head for rag. Definitely a rush of blood to the head, but still a project worth looking forward to. Success awaits.
I'm getting a little tired of typing. The stamina to think is waning and i've probably exhausted all the ideas for this post already. I need to thank my mugging family, Shen, Mat and Jian Wei. Haha, you people are the best. The late nights one, Jia li and Klar. My Jc classmate jas and her friend melissa. and Nicholas for calling me for no reason, cutting my one hour nap by half. Haha thanks bud. My sister, for finishing her o levels and reminding me about that fact all the time.
Holidays i hope you come soon, I sure could use the time to catch up with old friends, and give my brain a breather, watch some tv and of course go on a holiday.
Time to leave. Got to study again tmr... and may my good luck continue. I'll be back I promise. Bye blog....
Sunday, 7 October 2007
If i just had the time
Uni life is so crazy. lots of homework and everything thats going on. I haven't realised I haven't blogged for a month. Before i enrolled into university, I was really looking forward to joining all sorts of activities, studying, making lots of friends, studying, playing like there's no tomorrow, studying.
Well, the way i see it, I can't even find the time to study. Had my very first NUS exam yesterday. It was a killer. I think i can wave goodbye to any hopes of even passing it. Haha, at least i went to bed early before the paper. Glad i made that decision considering that further effort would have been futile anyway.
Lots of people having birthdays, lots of presents, happy faces and a very empty wallet. Dreading the week ahead, uni sucks, i ought to kick myself in the face for hoping it to come sooner just a few months back.
ok nap time. Tata. be back when I'm grouchy and in the mood for further complains.
Well, the way i see it, I can't even find the time to study. Had my very first NUS exam yesterday. It was a killer. I think i can wave goodbye to any hopes of even passing it. Haha, at least i went to bed early before the paper. Glad i made that decision considering that further effort would have been futile anyway.
Lots of people having birthdays, lots of presents, happy faces and a very empty wallet. Dreading the week ahead, uni sucks, i ought to kick myself in the face for hoping it to come sooner just a few months back.
ok nap time. Tata. be back when I'm grouchy and in the mood for further complains.
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Food To eat Everyday

Centre : Walnuts, Eugene, Tomatoes
Bottom Left to Right: Spinach, Oats, Yogurt
I came across this on MSN. The 8 foods that one should eat everyday. My stomach has a feud with tomatoes they fight whenever they meet and I'm the casualty. However, if you eat tomatoes, congratulations you're healthier then me.
Honestly, I'm bored and procrastinating over my tutorials. How better to spend my time then making my blog a healthier and more colourful environment for food lovers. Being surrounded with food has made me a happier person(quite literally). I look like a gourmet from a cook show don't I. Being a celebrity chef might not be such a bad idea.
Alright enough rambling, I better get started with my mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive tutorial.
Trying very hard to digest the 12 egg tarts I devoured today. Yum yum.
Sexual enhancement(wink), Muscle growth, Heart healthy, Bone builder, Enhances eyesight
Cancer fighter, Bone builder, Boosts immunity
Cancer fighter, Heart healthy, Boosts immunity
Cancer fighter, Boosts immunity, Enhances eyesight
Brain stimulant, Cancer fighter, Heart healthy, Boosts immunity
Black Beans
Muscle growth, Brain stimulant, Heart healthy
Muscle growth, Brain stimulant, Cancer fighter, Heart healthy, Boosts immunity
Muscle growth, Brain stimulant, Heart healthy
Monday, 3 September 2007
Dinner and Dance

Me! Before everybodyelse steals my limelight away with their glamorous photos
Attended Biz's Dinner and dance at the Asian Civilisation Museum on the 3oth Aug. Friday. It was a grand affair considering the effort people put in to dressing up. The seniors came dressed in european renaissance age costumes. They got intriguing stares from passerbys who thought they were in the wrong museum. haha.
The ball was small considering the attendence. Not really what I'd expect for the finals of Biz pageant. The Pageant was lively and entertaining though. Catwalks, an impromptu segment, Q & A. We had a great time although I felt a little cheated by the starting time. It said 630pm on the ticket but the event only started at 8pm.
The food was sumptuous but could have been better. Your typical buffet food, they had excellent fish and tofu, and when I'm starving everything's in. Fruit punch and wine was availible too. We had a yum seng at the end of the event to mark the end of all the FOP projects for the 20th MC.
Any Special Event must have photos to complete them. So here they are. Really bogged up by school and the stresses. Though I'm stoning most of the time. ok, I'm done here.

Ok, goodbye guys. Hope you're all having a good time with your life. Till then Take care.
The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. Did i miss mine?
Monday, 27 August 2007
Officially in School
Tomorrow's the start of my third week in university. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of studying I've yet to do. 5 Modules, 5 text books, 4 tutorials and a lot of reading and writing to do. My hand feels numb from the incessant scribbling I've forced myself into to finish my tutorials. I can feel the exfoliation of rust from my brain only to find an empty hollow inside. Can somebody please provide me with some kind of impetus and the know how to do my homework. Everything seems so open ended. Eugene is definitely lost in darkness struggling to find some stranglehold of knowledge to not sound so crappy and nonsensical in his work.
Saturday was spent in bed. A little studying here and there. An awesome birthday party at Andrew's 21st. The food was the best I've had at any birthday party all of this year. There was Crayfish, Beef, Salmon and lots of chocolate delights! You would imagine it to be some posh restaurant with excellent service. Well, it was at Castle Green's function room, just a normal condominium in Yio Chu Kang with a little castle-like architectural designs to boot.
Caught the 2nd half of Liverpool's match against Sunderland! Football shall be my salvation again for the weekend. My only source of entertainment over the weekend always has a ball involved. Yeah and Liverpool won, great start to the season, Long may it continue!
Sunday is soccer day again. Haha, played soccer in the morning. Spent the rest of the afternoon snuggled in bed waiting for the Sun to set. 6 Hours on a marketing tutorial is complete bullshit. Yours truly has the honour of holding that record.
Just finished watching Man United struggle to win Tottenham. Nani scored a peach of a goal. What the commentator said after he scored really tickled my funny bone.
"That was definitely not a Bread and Butter Goal, It was covered with Jam." Oh well, pulling it out of context makes it look lame. Hilarious moment I had then.
Ok goodbye. Got to get back to management science. Maybe it'll teach me how to manage my time better. Till next time(which could be quite a while). Good bye.
Saturday was spent in bed. A little studying here and there. An awesome birthday party at Andrew's 21st. The food was the best I've had at any birthday party all of this year. There was Crayfish, Beef, Salmon and lots of chocolate delights! You would imagine it to be some posh restaurant with excellent service. Well, it was at Castle Green's function room, just a normal condominium in Yio Chu Kang with a little castle-like architectural designs to boot.
Caught the 2nd half of Liverpool's match against Sunderland! Football shall be my salvation again for the weekend. My only source of entertainment over the weekend always has a ball involved. Yeah and Liverpool won, great start to the season, Long may it continue!
Sunday is soccer day again. Haha, played soccer in the morning. Spent the rest of the afternoon snuggled in bed waiting for the Sun to set. 6 Hours on a marketing tutorial is complete bullshit. Yours truly has the honour of holding that record.
Just finished watching Man United struggle to win Tottenham. Nani scored a peach of a goal. What the commentator said after he scored really tickled my funny bone.
"That was definitely not a Bread and Butter Goal, It was covered with Jam." Oh well, pulling it out of context makes it look lame. Hilarious moment I had then.
Ok goodbye. Got to get back to management science. Maybe it'll teach me how to manage my time better. Till next time(which could be quite a while). Good bye.
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Pictures Galore
My sincere apologies for the long hiatus. Its been a really busy fortnight with all the school activities coming in a mindless barrage that must drive any sane being perpetually nuts.
Since my last post, A lot has happened. Just gonna give a brief summary in words, Getting a little rusty with my language.
With the attendance of the Freshmen Inauguration ceremony(FIC) at NUS, I am now officially a member of the NUS student body. Yay! haha. The professors at the ceremony looked really impressive and intelligent with their round brimmed hat and robes. Kinda felt like I was in a costume party. Took a lot of pictures with my regular cam-whoring classmates and made my og mates wait for half an hour. Jasmine Tye took a photo with Me! haha. Had a nice dinner at munchies monkeys with Xin ling, Mish and Reh. When I told them i was going on a diet, they were dumbfounded. Whats wrong? Can't a guy go on one. Getting visible fat everywhere already.
Rag Day, The big moment for all the raggers who slogged their hearts out for this momentous event. Especially because we had a reputation to uphold and a Chancellor Shield to bring Home.
The presenters - Me included. haha We were sent to bed at 9pm. I volunteered to ensure that everyone went to bed. But oh oh, I ended up talking to Xin ling, Alan and Xing Yan for the better of 2 hours. In the end we only had a really short nap of 15min. Next, all of us had to put on makeup. All includes guys. Foundation, concealer, eyeliner, eyeshadow, glitter. Hmm, the things girls do to make themselves pretty. Oh well, at least now i understand why they can take so long to prepare for a trip out of the house. We got to the padang at 5am. Spent most of the time sleeping there. In the horrible weather. Was sweating like a pig. Thankfully, my costume was of really thin fabric and I had tights. Haha. Ok, i think the photos below will do more justice to the whole event. Enjoy. =)
EPL started at midnight after the whole Rag day event. Liverpool was on at midnight. For the first time in four seasons. We managed to win our the first match on our calender for the season. Gerrard with the sweetest of a right foot made a goal out of nothing. An extraordinary freekick from an extraordinary captain. Once again, Liverpool's captain fantastic grabbed the game by the scruff of its neck and produced a victory from a drab draw. Aston Villa 1-2 Liverpool. Yippee.
Sunday - Playing my favourite sport just makes sunday a happy day. Footy all the way
School officially started Monday. 13/08/2007 Guess what, First day of school and I'm late for my very first lesson. Well, we only had one lecture. So after that we were all off to vivo for an adventure. Lunch was at a Ko Lo Mee restaurant. We had a Photowhoring sessions with Trogun there too. Talk about poseurs. Met up with Xin ling, Mish, Reh and Wan Ling at Sushi Teh. Had a long long chat, before we decided to move our asses. Had dinner at Cedele bakery. Lots of delicious cakes and pies. Finally went home at 9pm. I love Mondays, especially when they're so easy.
Watched secret on Wednesday with my classmates. It got kinda creepy in the middle and I tot it was going to be a horror movie. Thank goodness, it wasn't so. Turned out to be quite a romantic one in the end. Heard Jay Chou wrote the script. I'm amazed by the depth of it. Managed to catch the last bus home. Loving my bus concession pass.
Finally, the end of my summary. Jam and Hop. This is just crazy. I wanted to write a summary, somehow, i ended up with a super long post again. I haven't even posted my pictures yet. Before jam and hop, I went for Brazilian Capoeira Appreciation class. Its ultra funky. I'm super crazy about it. Imagine learning all those gravity defying stunts, combining them with music, nimble footwork and some awesome kicks. Simply beautiful. Managed to cab down in time for the Voting at jam and hop. Had a short old chang kee dinner with jia li. Before we took the cab. At least the entry to zouk was only 15 bucks. So it wasn't that bad. Klar and Jian Wei got thru to the final round. Congratulations. We cam whored again at Zouk. Now thats something not a lot of pple have a chance to do. Alright alright. I'm done with all this typing. Drowning away in a sea of words already. I doubt anybody's reading all my nonsense and rambling anyway.
Since my last post, A lot has happened. Just gonna give a brief summary in words, Getting a little rusty with my language.
With the attendance of the Freshmen Inauguration ceremony(FIC) at NUS, I am now officially a member of the NUS student body. Yay! haha. The professors at the ceremony looked really impressive and intelligent with their round brimmed hat and robes. Kinda felt like I was in a costume party. Took a lot of pictures with my regular cam-whoring classmates and made my og mates wait for half an hour. Jasmine Tye took a photo with Me! haha. Had a nice dinner at munchies monkeys with Xin ling, Mish and Reh. When I told them i was going on a diet, they were dumbfounded. Whats wrong? Can't a guy go on one. Getting visible fat everywhere already.
Next up, Nussu Flag day. Pink was the theme and money was the dream. Business won Flag. With the most amount of money collected per capita. We were kinda flag crazy. Left school at 6am in the morning for AMK, had Gong lei, Ying Ying and Jia Li in my group. We started flagging at 7am after a breakfast of bak chor mee. Flagging from dawn till dusk. I managed to fill 2 tin cans with donations. Not a bad return. Considering I took lots of breaks in between. We had dinner at Ding Tai Feng. A fair reward for a hard days work. I finally tried Xiao Long Bao that day. No longer a mountain tortoise as Xin Ling likes to call me. Haha.
Dean's Evening, more photos. It was held at the Civil Servant's club at Bukit Batok. Had a lot of fun there, even went up on stage for some limbo rock action. I always get saboed by Pao Pan. Rawr. We won the best og award or best house, I can't really remember which, only that I was once again sent to the stage to collect our og prize. DVD movies. Most of them were horror flicks. Yuck, I would never allow my brain to be polluted with such insomniac fear that takes my beauty sleep away. Had a nice supper with xin ling, mish, wan ling, hansel, vivien and her bro. Thanks to Vivien, I now know Bukit Gombak has such a nice prata store.
Dean's Evening, more photos. It was held at the Civil Servant's club at Bukit Batok. Had a lot of fun there, even went up on stage for some limbo rock action. I always get saboed by Pao Pan. Rawr. We won the best og award or best house, I can't really remember which, only that I was once again sent to the stage to collect our og prize. DVD movies. Most of them were horror flicks. Yuck, I would never allow my brain to be polluted with such insomniac fear that takes my beauty sleep away. Had a nice supper with xin ling, mish, wan ling, hansel, vivien and her bro. Thanks to Vivien, I now know Bukit Gombak has such a nice prata store.
Rag Day, The big moment for all the raggers who slogged their hearts out for this momentous event. Especially because we had a reputation to uphold and a Chancellor Shield to bring Home.
The presenters - Me included. haha We were sent to bed at 9pm. I volunteered to ensure that everyone went to bed. But oh oh, I ended up talking to Xin ling, Alan and Xing Yan for the better of 2 hours. In the end we only had a really short nap of 15min. Next, all of us had to put on makeup. All includes guys. Foundation, concealer, eyeliner, eyeshadow, glitter. Hmm, the things girls do to make themselves pretty. Oh well, at least now i understand why they can take so long to prepare for a trip out of the house. We got to the padang at 5am. Spent most of the time sleeping there. In the horrible weather. Was sweating like a pig. Thankfully, my costume was of really thin fabric and I had tights. Haha. Ok, i think the photos below will do more justice to the whole event. Enjoy. =)
EPL started at midnight after the whole Rag day event. Liverpool was on at midnight. For the first time in four seasons. We managed to win our the first match on our calender for the season. Gerrard with the sweetest of a right foot made a goal out of nothing. An extraordinary freekick from an extraordinary captain. Once again, Liverpool's captain fantastic grabbed the game by the scruff of its neck and produced a victory from a drab draw. Aston Villa 1-2 Liverpool. Yippee.
Sunday - Playing my favourite sport just makes sunday a happy day. Footy all the way
School officially started Monday. 13/08/2007 Guess what, First day of school and I'm late for my very first lesson. Well, we only had one lecture. So after that we were all off to vivo for an adventure. Lunch was at a Ko Lo Mee restaurant. We had a Photowhoring sessions with Trogun there too. Talk about poseurs. Met up with Xin ling, Mish, Reh and Wan Ling at Sushi Teh. Had a long long chat, before we decided to move our asses. Had dinner at Cedele bakery. Lots of delicious cakes and pies. Finally went home at 9pm. I love Mondays, especially when they're so easy.
Watched secret on Wednesday with my classmates. It got kinda creepy in the middle and I tot it was going to be a horror movie. Thank goodness, it wasn't so. Turned out to be quite a romantic one in the end. Heard Jay Chou wrote the script. I'm amazed by the depth of it. Managed to catch the last bus home. Loving my bus concession pass.
Finally, the end of my summary. Jam and Hop. This is just crazy. I wanted to write a summary, somehow, i ended up with a super long post again. I haven't even posted my pictures yet. Before jam and hop, I went for Brazilian Capoeira Appreciation class. Its ultra funky. I'm super crazy about it. Imagine learning all those gravity defying stunts, combining them with music, nimble footwork and some awesome kicks. Simply beautiful. Managed to cab down in time for the Voting at jam and hop. Had a short old chang kee dinner with jia li. Before we took the cab. At least the entry to zouk was only 15 bucks. So it wasn't that bad. Klar and Jian Wei got thru to the final round. Congratulations. We cam whored again at Zouk. Now thats something not a lot of pple have a chance to do. Alright alright. I'm done with all this typing. Drowning away in a sea of words already. I doubt anybody's reading all my nonsense and rambling anyway.
O week - The day 16 guys from 16 different ogs had to cross dress at sentosa. I was saboed by my dearest og. Victimised and helpless. I managed to convince myself to be a sport for the better of an hour. haha. A saturday that I shall never forget.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Time Management - TM1001
Its been an eventful week with so many activities going on. Rag, o week, bidding for modules, bazaar and most importantly, sulking at my horrendous 5 day time table.
Rag's moving at a snail's pace. The distinct lack of manpower is of great frustration to everybody involved. Hopefully we can finish the whole float in time for its unveiling on 11 aug at the padang. Our float looks really outstanding and the details are superbly intricate. I'm very impressed by the architectural skills of the rag com. Just can't imagine having to destroy the whole thing after the event. Thats just totally heart-wrenching. The rag dance is finally fully chreographed. Just needs a little refining and cleaning up and we're good for the display. Kudos to Anh for her creativity for the middle segment.
We had a meeting for our bazaar on weds. Discussed about certain pressing issues and the problems we faced. Marketing and finding sponsors for the event has been a big challenge that we hope we can overcome by next weekend. Haha, I have a professional post of operations manager. Now thats just super cool. Our bazaar's scheduled from 3 sep to 5 sep. So come down to Biz sch to support it yea. =)
O week started with a bang. Well, I Banged my head against the damn chair in the audi when I woke up on thurs morning. haha, very funny. Moving on, We had academic talks all day, the monotony of the lectures felt like the lullabies sung to me when I was a baby. So it wasn't long before i succumbed to the z monster. Orientation is probably the only time people would be willing to sit in a group of strangers and start having random conversations and more awkward silences. Thankfully ice breaking games save the day, though honestly im getting a little sick of them. Well, at least now I know more new friends. More people to wave to in school. lol. Went for the pageant interview at 3pm in my berms, t shirt and slippers. Haha, most underdressed by a mile, well i didn't want to get in in the first place. So it was like everyone else was wearing jeans, pants and a button-down shirt while Mr Eugene Chong looked like he was dressed for the market. Glad for the interview though, since it gave me a valid reason to escape the lecture theatre. Anyway, I didn't get through. Phew...
Well I know my vertical limits and recognise that I'm not really suited for this sort of thing. Oh and Mr ticky is the pang seh king. Haha you know what u did. When did Berms and slippers = Jeans and shoes?
Thursday was o week mass games. Its good to sleep in school. I can wake up 10 mins before a school event and still get there on time. Well, we planned to meet at 9am, and the activities start at 10am. So i woke up at 950am. I'm a fervent believer of punctuality, oops. Had a very shocking revelation dawn on me when I met my og for Mass games in the LT. I was the only guy in the whole Og that day. Like -_- And they wanted to have painted nails for og identity. Oh well, the peer pressure was too much to bear. So i had to surrender. Misc did a rather excellent job of painting my fingers as well. lol. Ran around the whole school and had a blast of a time. We had a shopping trip to giant in the afternoon to buy food for our bbq. I think the only thing on the menu was chicken. With all that hotdogs, chicken wings and chicken fillets I swear I had an entire chicken inside me by the end of the bbq. Went around with Alan and Zhen jie during the bbq to "talk" to pple. It was a very interesting experience. Got to know some of my future classmates in the process. Our Og had a very long and deep conversation about life, death, marriage and relationships. Gained alot of insight and wisdom from listening to all that stuff.
Saturday was sentosa! Basically the same usual beach games. The afternoon though was a totally different story. We had to cross-dress. Rawr. Had to wear like lotsa girly stuff, put on make up and strut around like some bimbo. Ooh, had to run around the beach with a poster "whistle if u think im hot!" Haha had a really wild time. I'll post the pictures when i get them. I promise ur gonna laugh at my expense.

After sentosa, met up with my regular rag khakis and classmates for dinner at marche. Had a crepe with ice cream. Woo hoo. Speaking of which I've been bingeing all week. Since last weekend. From Ben and Jerry's to bread, basically anything thats edible and within sight has ended in my tummy. I'm going on a diet this week. Haha, growing a belly alr. We got a little high later that night and simply started sitting down everywhere we went in vivo. Alan and Klar started it first to protest our lack of movement. After walking about ten steps we would all pause to chat about random stuff. Klar did some amazingly funny stuff. Haha, tsk tsk totally unglam. She can be a paparazzi reporter alr. lol. Anyway, we managed to catch the last train home. So my wallet's very grateful. Finally stepped into my home for the 2nd time this week.
Sunday is soccer day. Some much needed exercise. Think i lost my shooting left foot today. Kept having a tendency to use my right even when the angle was impossible. Still kinda pissed that I have exams on the 4th of dec. I wanna run the standard chartered marathon but its on the 2nd of dec.
Ok, gonna be gone for another week. Busy busy, maybe i need time management lessons. Once school starts this blog is probably gonna gather dust. Ok, till i get my pictures. I'm gonna enjoy my last busy week before the school term starts. Tata.
P.S. I realise i have a tendency to type really long posts. I enjoy doing it though. So don't kill me if i drown u in a sea of words.
Rag's moving at a snail's pace. The distinct lack of manpower is of great frustration to everybody involved. Hopefully we can finish the whole float in time for its unveiling on 11 aug at the padang. Our float looks really outstanding and the details are superbly intricate. I'm very impressed by the architectural skills of the rag com. Just can't imagine having to destroy the whole thing after the event. Thats just totally heart-wrenching. The rag dance is finally fully chreographed. Just needs a little refining and cleaning up and we're good for the display. Kudos to Anh for her creativity for the middle segment.
We had a meeting for our bazaar on weds. Discussed about certain pressing issues and the problems we faced. Marketing and finding sponsors for the event has been a big challenge that we hope we can overcome by next weekend. Haha, I have a professional post of operations manager. Now thats just super cool. Our bazaar's scheduled from 3 sep to 5 sep. So come down to Biz sch to support it yea. =)
O week started with a bang. Well, I Banged my head against the damn chair in the audi when I woke up on thurs morning. haha, very funny. Moving on, We had academic talks all day, the monotony of the lectures felt like the lullabies sung to me when I was a baby. So it wasn't long before i succumbed to the z monster. Orientation is probably the only time people would be willing to sit in a group of strangers and start having random conversations and more awkward silences. Thankfully ice breaking games save the day, though honestly im getting a little sick of them. Well, at least now I know more new friends. More people to wave to in school. lol. Went for the pageant interview at 3pm in my berms, t shirt and slippers. Haha, most underdressed by a mile, well i didn't want to get in in the first place. So it was like everyone else was wearing jeans, pants and a button-down shirt while Mr Eugene Chong looked like he was dressed for the market. Glad for the interview though, since it gave me a valid reason to escape the lecture theatre. Anyway, I didn't get through. Phew...
Well I know my vertical limits and recognise that I'm not really suited for this sort of thing. Oh and Mr ticky is the pang seh king. Haha you know what u did. When did Berms and slippers = Jeans and shoes?
Thursday was o week mass games. Its good to sleep in school. I can wake up 10 mins before a school event and still get there on time. Well, we planned to meet at 9am, and the activities start at 10am. So i woke up at 950am. I'm a fervent believer of punctuality, oops. Had a very shocking revelation dawn on me when I met my og for Mass games in the LT. I was the only guy in the whole Og that day. Like -_- And they wanted to have painted nails for og identity. Oh well, the peer pressure was too much to bear. So i had to surrender. Misc did a rather excellent job of painting my fingers as well. lol. Ran around the whole school and had a blast of a time. We had a shopping trip to giant in the afternoon to buy food for our bbq. I think the only thing on the menu was chicken. With all that hotdogs, chicken wings and chicken fillets I swear I had an entire chicken inside me by the end of the bbq. Went around with Alan and Zhen jie during the bbq to "talk" to pple. It was a very interesting experience. Got to know some of my future classmates in the process. Our Og had a very long and deep conversation about life, death, marriage and relationships. Gained alot of insight and wisdom from listening to all that stuff.
Saturday was sentosa! Basically the same usual beach games. The afternoon though was a totally different story. We had to cross-dress. Rawr. Had to wear like lotsa girly stuff, put on make up and strut around like some bimbo. Ooh, had to run around the beach with a poster "whistle if u think im hot!" Haha had a really wild time. I'll post the pictures when i get them. I promise ur gonna laugh at my expense.
After sentosa, met up with my regular rag khakis and classmates for dinner at marche. Had a crepe with ice cream. Woo hoo. Speaking of which I've been bingeing all week. Since last weekend. From Ben and Jerry's to bread, basically anything thats edible and within sight has ended in my tummy. I'm going on a diet this week. Haha, growing a belly alr. We got a little high later that night and simply started sitting down everywhere we went in vivo. Alan and Klar started it first to protest our lack of movement. After walking about ten steps we would all pause to chat about random stuff. Klar did some amazingly funny stuff. Haha, tsk tsk totally unglam. She can be a paparazzi reporter alr. lol. Anyway, we managed to catch the last train home. So my wallet's very grateful. Finally stepped into my home for the 2nd time this week.
Sunday is soccer day. Some much needed exercise. Think i lost my shooting left foot today. Kept having a tendency to use my right even when the angle was impossible. Still kinda pissed that I have exams on the 4th of dec. I wanna run the standard chartered marathon but its on the 2nd of dec.
Ok, gonna be gone for another week. Busy busy, maybe i need time management lessons. Once school starts this blog is probably gonna gather dust. Ok, till i get my pictures. I'm gonna enjoy my last busy week before the school term starts. Tata.
P.S. I realise i have a tendency to type really long posts. I enjoy doing it though. So don't kill me if i drown u in a sea of words.
Friday, 27 July 2007
A random Update

Trogun has been unofficially formed. A verbal agreement has been struck out between the fellow raggers at rag site. Trojan and Shogun have quite a bit of camaraderie and common points of agreement regarding a certain staple food. *COT* LOL. Basically, just trying to make the place a little livelier and merrier.
I nearly fell into a hibernation style slumber during rag dance practice yesterday. I shall stop talking about sleep, else the reader gets a little too obsessed with it too. Yawning is contagious, so reading about sleep probably is as well.
We have finally learnt all 3 parts of the dance for the rag presentation. I am so relieved. Thankfully, i can do cartwheels. So Yvonne and I can skip some very complicated lifts. Yvonne's my dance partner btw and she's really light. A lady's weight is a secret so I shall leave it as one. Imagine my surprise when i learnt some people can't do cartwheels. I have always had the impression that cartwheels are something that one can do from young. Did my first ever when i was 6 yrs old. Haha, such fun cartwheeling and spinning myself around the house when i was a kid. Always ended up dizzy, saw stars and landed on my bum. I once destroyed my bed doing somersaults on it. The wooden stands the bed was on gave way to a loud crash, very shocked parents, and a very red butt(mine)... duh. After that harrowing experience, I stopped jumping on beds for quite a while. A week to be exact. The caning made me a wiser boy and i decided my parents bed was a better choice, King Koils are built for a reason. =)
I had a discussion with some people recently about how fortunate I was that I don't have wisdom tooths. Maybe its bad karma or too much calcium, I felt an ache about 3 days ago at the top end of my jaw right at the molars. Rawr, I hope, my jaws are large enough to accomodate them, they come at totally the wrong time. They should have grown when i was still under the service of the SAF. Free removal! Hopefully, I'll grow wiser with them, otherwise I'll have to pay to get them extracted. Parting with both tooth and money is really a heartbreaking affair plus there's no such thing as a tooth fairy to compensate me.
Today was spent snuggled in bed procrastinating about calling companies for the bazaar. Had a subway sandwich for lunch. I took a bus ride to jurong point to satisfy my cravings for it. I'm pretty amazed by the efforts I put in to satisfy my ever hungry stomach. Got myself too full after the meal, so i rushed home and settled myself in bed promising to wake at 3pm to do the calling. Well, the alarm rang, I extended my sleep to 330pm, it rang again, I extended it to 4pm. Finally, I knew I had to do some work. Did call 2 companies in the end. Hopefully, they'll give a positive response next week when i ring them up.
Watched Liverpool in a friendly against Portsmouth. They still look the same to me, all the good stuff but still no end product. They lost the Barclays Asia trophy to penaltys. Hopefully they'll improve when the season starts. Caught a brief glimpse of Felicia Chin during the halftime break on the 9pm chinese show on tv. O M G, She is so pretty!
Well, thats all for tonight.
Waiting for our Premier League drought to end. Liverpool forever.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Trojan Trip down Boat Quay - 19/7
We had a trojan outing on thurs, 19 July 07. Went for a haircut with Shen in the afternoon. There goes my retro look, I'm still feeling a little uncomfortable with my new modern and funky hairdo. It requires maintenance and me the ever apathetic lazy bum can never find the energy to go style my hair everyday. I belong to the camp where the hair should be ready to meet the world once it leave my pillow. So uh, somebody buy me a cap. =)

Goodbye Retro Hair

Ms Ng at the hairdresser's
Trojan was re-aquianted at 630pm, well some were late due to work commitments or sleeping ones. Our dear klar well she had a sleeping one. So she missed out on the Haldhi Indian Experience. Now, I'm gonna complain, The Haldhi Indian restaurant voucher is so misleading. It doesn't state that it can only be used alone. We were all under the impression that it was a cash voucher and a free meal was awaiting us. So the mood was markedly subdued when the waiter led us to our tables.




Trojan Boys and Girls
Our dinner comprised of a platter of mixed meats, naan and super expensive curry. A bowl of mutton curry cost 16 bucks. Its just a little thicker than your standard roti prata curry. Rawr, roti prata curry is free. Well, the whole package of riverside dining, the ambience and the chance to soak up the Indian culture probably made the price a little steep. It was quite hilarious that we had candles on the table but they were permanently un-lit as the fan was blowing right on it everytime.
Dinner was savoured and the food was quite splendid. First time I've ever had a meal at an Indian restaurant, Indian cuisines taste great especially with the spices they used to jazz up their food. I tried to drink as much of the free icewater as I could to make my moneys worth. lol.
Next up was my maiden journey to Minds Cafe. I was wondering about the hype a boardgames cafe could generate. I wasn't disappointed. We played Jenga, got my ears totally destroyed by screaming girls. Klar finally came to join us around 9pm. Yay! Had more fun with Ugly Ugly Ugly and the dinosaur bone game. Woo hoo. Took lots of photos for memories sake.

Trojan At Minds Cafe

Trojan Freshies

Klar, Shen, Ming Hui

Cheer Buddy Ics! WJ n Me!

I want that bone! Im retarded

Klar n Me!

The Gays -Me n Tom(note: this is just a pose not real)

I shook hands with Jon and look who's behind us

Some girl was doing a forfeit and she had to take a photo with me haha...
Some of us parted ways after the events at boat quay. The rest of us went to the rag site for a night of no sleep, lame games, 24 and truth and truth. Had some phototaking sessions. What's a night out without Photos.

Outside Nus Biz Toilet

Trojans on a staircase

we went for supper on a lorry.

Don't shoot!

Wq and Me

Rag Site at 6am
Alright, I'm done here. Till next time, Cheerios. =)

Goodbye Retro Hair

Ms Ng at the hairdresser's
Trojan was re-aquianted at 630pm, well some were late due to work commitments or sleeping ones. Our dear klar well she had a sleeping one. So she missed out on the Haldhi Indian Experience. Now, I'm gonna complain, The Haldhi Indian restaurant voucher is so misleading. It doesn't state that it can only be used alone. We were all under the impression that it was a cash voucher and a free meal was awaiting us. So the mood was markedly subdued when the waiter led us to our tables.




Trojan Boys and Girls
Our dinner comprised of a platter of mixed meats, naan and super expensive curry. A bowl of mutton curry cost 16 bucks. Its just a little thicker than your standard roti prata curry. Rawr, roti prata curry is free. Well, the whole package of riverside dining, the ambience and the chance to soak up the Indian culture probably made the price a little steep. It was quite hilarious that we had candles on the table but they were permanently un-lit as the fan was blowing right on it everytime.
Dinner was savoured and the food was quite splendid. First time I've ever had a meal at an Indian restaurant, Indian cuisines taste great especially with the spices they used to jazz up their food. I tried to drink as much of the free icewater as I could to make my moneys worth. lol.
Next up was my maiden journey to Minds Cafe. I was wondering about the hype a boardgames cafe could generate. I wasn't disappointed. We played Jenga, got my ears totally destroyed by screaming girls. Klar finally came to join us around 9pm. Yay! Had more fun with Ugly Ugly Ugly and the dinosaur bone game. Woo hoo. Took lots of photos for memories sake.

Trojan At Minds Cafe

Trojan Freshies

Klar, Shen, Ming Hui

Cheer Buddy Ics! WJ n Me!

I want that bone! Im retarded

Klar n Me!

The Gays -Me n Tom(note: this is just a pose not real)

I shook hands with Jon and look who's behind us

Some girl was doing a forfeit and she had to take a photo with me haha...
Some of us parted ways after the events at boat quay. The rest of us went to the rag site for a night of no sleep, lame games, 24 and truth and truth. Had some phototaking sessions. What's a night out without Photos.

Outside Nus Biz Toilet

Trojans on a staircase

we went for supper on a lorry.

Don't shoot!

Wq and Me

Rag Site at 6am
Alright, I'm done here. Till next time, Cheerios. =)
Darn It
Super pissed! Now I understand the plight of most adult Singaporeans who drive and worry about that parking attendant. I earned my very first parking ticket today. Its exactly 1 year 1 month and 1 week after i got my driving license. Usually Im not one for superstitions, but it bothers me that the date and timing of it is so coincidental and intriguing. Maybe its a sign I should buy 4D.
Well, good luck to myself. Hopefully the Singapore govt can help me absorb the fine. I'm off to cool my steaming head and reflect on the efficiency of Singapore's parking regulatory system.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
60 hours
Woke up at 10am on the 16/7 and went for rag. Its the usual 4 again until candice made her grand arrival at 430pm. We all had our own schedules and itineries to follow so it was a short rag adventure that lasted till 6pm.

rag's boring thats why they need clowns like me

the arrival of our dear candice

I'm a lucky guy =) oh, we have a new trojan member Pei Yi

Me, Clarence, Shen, Wan Qing, Candice, Pei Yi and Ming Hui

6pm --> bye rag site(looks like hail the rag site)
Next up was bella's birthday surprise. 18/07/2007 -->

Bella with Her Birthday present.
Happy 21st Birthday Bella!
It was supposed to be a wonderful and pleasant surprise for our birthday girl. But we ended up becoming the surprised personnels instead. The plan was for her to meet a few of us for dinner while the everyoneelse waited at the restaurant. However, when we were all at orchard awaiting her grand arrival but she called us at the last min to say she was very tired and was going home. Eh oops. A birthday surprise without the presence of the birthday girl. Stunned and Shocked! We went bollocks. Well, we threw the plan out of the window and demanded she made her way down.
Daniel did the demanding. Lol.

So in the mean time, we had dinner at taka's food court. Randomly, I actually realised that there's a lot of japanese food stalls at the food court of taka. Consuming japanese noodles with egg and some sauce was insufficient so I had to buy the rice with some meat on sticks thing. Felt like a stuffed pig after that much food. But food's a neccessity, so I never say never to it.
Bought pomegranate tea. Its a new juice tea from Pokka. It has a nice fragrance, taste like pomegranate(not really a fruit gourmet so i don't really know how to describe it). Well, anyway Life did a short introduction to pomegranate recently, and studies suggest it may contain up to 3 times the antioxidant ability compared to green tea or red wine. They also almost match banana's in terms of potassium value. Grandma used to have a pomegranate plant. That was when I was in primary school. Used to eat one every few weeks, when the plant bore fruit. It was a delightful and savoury experience. If you have never had a chance to eat pomegranate before, pomegranate is a very unique fruit. It has lots of seeds in each fruit. Each seed is covered by a juicy pip that slightly hard and munchy. Thats the part which is eaten. Sweet. =)

Pomegranate Fruit =)
Ok, moving on, our dear Bella finally came. haha, We went Starbucks cafe to chill out and chat. Then it was good byes everyone. Except for Cong, Dan and me. Haha we had other plans.

Bobby United reunited 03S72 minus the 2 guys who refused to be in the picture

the Birthday Girl and me Xj and Me Me and Jas

Travins Likes me too much...
17/07 - Mahjong time. Darn, Its becoming a major hobby. It exercises the brain though so I have blood oxidising it at a faster rate. Hopefully, I get smarter with all the brain exercise. It was a super long session. Argh, lasted till 6am in the morning. At least we didn't have to pay the midnight surcharge when we took a cab home. Arrived home at 645am. I greeted my parents and sister good morning at the door. Oops =X That was quite an interesting scenario.
Had a short 1 hour nap till 9am. Surprisingly, Mr Travins Cheung called and woke me up. Normally I'm his alarm clock and I was supposed to be the one calling him in the morning. Dragged my sleepy ass to soccer. Yes, I'm totally retarded forsaking sleep for soccer. Well, football's one of the love of my life. Had a good runout/workout till 1pm.
2pm - Rag dance practice was next. My very first rag dance practice. I'm totally zonked out already. O M G the dance moves drove me nuts. I took quite a long time to get my hands and legs to move in the right way. The dance looks quite fascinating, and the tempo of the dance makes it really exciting, but I'm still figuring how to make my old bones move that fast.
9pm - took bus 30 home. Fell asleep from the start of the bus journey. Thank you SBS for the direct bus home.
10pm. Landed myself in bed. Bed sweet bed. Its the 18/07. Amazingly i woke up at 1230pm. Had lunch which was a wholesome spread of tuna, lettuce, cheese and egg. Washed it down with soya milk. Then it was bed sweet bed again. I think i'm becoming a pig. Woke up and its dinner time. And here I am typing this entry.
Having a pigging good time right now.

rag's boring thats why they need clowns like me

the arrival of our dear candice

I'm a lucky guy =) oh, we have a new trojan member Pei Yi

Me, Clarence, Shen, Wan Qing, Candice, Pei Yi and Ming Hui

6pm --> bye rag site(looks like hail the rag site)
Next up was bella's birthday surprise. 18/07/2007 -->

Bella with Her Birthday present.
Happy 21st Birthday Bella!
It was supposed to be a wonderful and pleasant surprise for our birthday girl. But we ended up becoming the surprised personnels instead. The plan was for her to meet a few of us for dinner while the everyoneelse waited at the restaurant. However, when we were all at orchard awaiting her grand arrival but she called us at the last min to say she was very tired and was going home. Eh oops. A birthday surprise without the presence of the birthday girl. Stunned and Shocked! We went bollocks. Well, we threw the plan out of the window and demanded she made her way down.
Daniel did the demanding. Lol.

So in the mean time, we had dinner at taka's food court. Randomly, I actually realised that there's a lot of japanese food stalls at the food court of taka. Consuming japanese noodles with egg and some sauce was insufficient so I had to buy the rice with some meat on sticks thing. Felt like a stuffed pig after that much food. But food's a neccessity, so I never say never to it.
Bought pomegranate tea. Its a new juice tea from Pokka. It has a nice fragrance, taste like pomegranate(not really a fruit gourmet so i don't really know how to describe it). Well, anyway Life did a short introduction to pomegranate recently, and studies suggest it may contain up to 3 times the antioxidant ability compared to green tea or red wine. They also almost match banana's in terms of potassium value. Grandma used to have a pomegranate plant. That was when I was in primary school. Used to eat one every few weeks, when the plant bore fruit. It was a delightful and savoury experience. If you have never had a chance to eat pomegranate before, pomegranate is a very unique fruit. It has lots of seeds in each fruit. Each seed is covered by a juicy pip that slightly hard and munchy. Thats the part which is eaten. Sweet. =)

Pomegranate Fruit =)
Ok, moving on, our dear Bella finally came. haha, We went Starbucks cafe to chill out and chat. Then it was good byes everyone. Except for Cong, Dan and me. Haha we had other plans.

Bobby United reunited 03S72 minus the 2 guys who refused to be in the picture

the Birthday Girl and me Xj and Me Me and Jas

Travins Likes me too much...
17/07 - Mahjong time. Darn, Its becoming a major hobby. It exercises the brain though so I have blood oxidising it at a faster rate. Hopefully, I get smarter with all the brain exercise. It was a super long session. Argh, lasted till 6am in the morning. At least we didn't have to pay the midnight surcharge when we took a cab home. Arrived home at 645am. I greeted my parents and sister good morning at the door. Oops =X That was quite an interesting scenario.
Had a short 1 hour nap till 9am. Surprisingly, Mr Travins Cheung called and woke me up. Normally I'm his alarm clock and I was supposed to be the one calling him in the morning. Dragged my sleepy ass to soccer. Yes, I'm totally retarded forsaking sleep for soccer. Well, football's one of the love of my life. Had a good runout/workout till 1pm.
2pm - Rag dance practice was next. My very first rag dance practice. I'm totally zonked out already. O M G the dance moves drove me nuts. I took quite a long time to get my hands and legs to move in the right way. The dance looks quite fascinating, and the tempo of the dance makes it really exciting, but I'm still figuring how to make my old bones move that fast.
9pm - took bus 30 home. Fell asleep from the start of the bus journey. Thank you SBS for the direct bus home.
10pm. Landed myself in bed. Bed sweet bed. Its the 18/07. Amazingly i woke up at 1230pm. Had lunch which was a wholesome spread of tuna, lettuce, cheese and egg. Washed it down with soya milk. Then it was bed sweet bed again. I think i'm becoming a pig. Woke up and its dinner time. And here I am typing this entry.
Having a pigging good time right now.
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